Creator of Love Is Blind reveals why After The Altar got cancelled

Creator of Love Is Blind reveals why After The Altar got cancelled

Love Is Blind season eight is over, but unlike in previous seasons, we won’t be getting to check back in on any of the couples, or couple in this case, as After the Altar has been cancelled.

The creator of Love Is Blind, Chris Coelen, opened up on why After the Altar was cancelled and confirmed that it looks like we’ll never see the special spinoff again.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, when asked whether there are any “plans to continue” After the Altar, he responded: “No. Not interested in doing that.”

Via Netflix

He elaborated on why, explaining: “It sounds fun to catch up, and that’s one of the reasons with the reunion now — it’s fun to catch up and see where some of your favourites have been.

“But when you get into an ‘After the Altar’ structure, it becomes more like a docuseries. And docuseries, as many people know, are really driven by drama.

“And to go into an ‘After the Altar’ with Brett and Tiffany or Zach and Bliss or whoever, where’s the drama going to be?

“It doesn’t feel real; it feels like at that point you’re just making something that’s kind of for the sake of making it.

“It’s not an exciting idea for a show. It doesn’t really feel fulfilling to me as a producer. And I think, ultimately, even though people liked it to some extent, I just don’t think it’s that great.” Yikes.

Love Blind After Altar
Via Netflix

Recently, Love Is Blind alumni Taylor and Garrett have their two cents to StyleCaster about the special being cancelled, with Taylor saying: “They said they’re not doing that [anymore]. They said it’s a creative decision. It’s probably a lot to plan.”

Garrett added: “It’s interesting. We have our social media platforms, so we’re still open about sharing what we’re going through, what we’re doing and our marriage through our social media.”

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